pausing to rebalance on Mo'orea — Peregrina Sails

pausing to rebalance on Mo'orea

We’ve been lingering on Mo’orea because I decided that after months of remote sailing and little to no Internet access, I really wanted to catch up on sharing our photos and stories from French Polynesia with you. I’ve also realized that I may need to slow down a little if I want to balance boat work, studying charts and weather, passage-making, and recovery from passage-making with the other things that are important to me: writing and having fun! Mo’orea has been a great place to “reset” and establish better rhythms.

But all good things must come to an end… and my visa for French Poynesia expires on October 1st, so I don’t have much time left to clear out of Huahine before sailing on to the Cook Islands. We have a lot of nautical miles to cover in the next six weeks as we head to New Zealand for the cyclone season, and I’m feeling nervous about the weather and technical sailing ahead. But I’m also really happy and excited for everything to come… I mean, we are going to anchor in a reef in the middle of the ocean—how crazy is that?!

If you want to hear our stories from the ocean and remote islands, please consider becoming a supporter for our circumnavigation. We can only complete this dream if you journey along with us!

xo & fair winds,
elana, zia, and s/v windfola ⛵️💕 21 September, 2019; Mo’orea, Society Islands, French Polynesia