mom — Log — Peregrina Sails


Christmas and Zia in Quarantine

Christmas was lonely this year without my little one, who is still in quarantine and not permitted visitors. I stole away to some remote bays without cellular data to spend quiet time with my tears, both for Zia and for my mom, whose birthday is Christmas Day. Even though she passed when I was little, I feel her absence and her presence with me every day, and most acutely this time of year. This year, I felt Zia’s absence too, but beneath the tears I felt overwhelming gratitude for both of them, because their love is part of the foundation for my strength to cross oceans.

I don’t believe we can really accomplish anything in this life alone—I know I don’t! It’s the love of others that fills our sails, and we just take the helm. Thank you, Mom, Zia, and all, for your love and support. Because that is what really matters this season, and all the year through. ❤️🙏🐶